
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) is the pioneer in financing Rooftop Solar Projects in Bangladesh IDCOL and has been financing Solar rooftop projects since 2017. Under this financing scheme, IDCOL not only provides soft loans, but also provides advisory services, technical and monitoring support, project development and performance monitoring support etc.

IDCOL has set Technical Standards for the equipment to be used under the Rooftop Solar Projects to ensure technical performance of these projects compatible with international standards (IDCOL Technical Standards attached).

For quality control, design verification, verification of workmanship during construction phase and for ensuring performance at post-construction phase, IDCOL collaborates with technical experts whom IDCOL terms as Independent Engineers (IE). The IE for a project provides recommendation on different project sites as per his expertise and experience.

IDCOL’s Financing Support:

  • Term Loan
Loan Amount
  • 80% of the Project Cost
  • 10 Years
Grace Period
  • 1 Year (principal moratorium)
  • Monthly
Interest Rate(Fixed)
  • 5.5% p.a (BG-50% of loan amount)
  • 5.0% p.a (BG-75% of loan amount)

IDCOL finances solar rooftop projects under two business models: (i) the CAPEX model and (ii) the RESCO or OPEX model.

CAPEX Model In this model, the owner of the roof owns the rooftop PV assets and invests the required equity and arranges finance. The benefit of the borrower here comes from saved electricity generated through captive consumption of solar energy and saved electricity bills. Besides, any excess electricity after self-consumption that is generated from the system may be supplied to the distribution grid, and in exchange the owner can either import equal amount of electricity from the grid or receive price of net amount of exported electricity as per the net metering guideline.
RESCO/OPEX Model In this model, a third-party Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) leases out rooftop space from a roofowner known as off-taker to install the solar system, generate and sell entire electricity generation to the off-taker under a power purchase agreement executed between the RESCO and the off-taker. In this case, the rooftop PV assets are owned and the required financing is arranged as equity and loan by the RESCO.

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