IDCOL has supported in achieving the GoB’s vision of Electricity for All by 2021. IDCOL has till date approved financing for 33 private sector power projects and captive projects with an aggregate installed capacity of 4,001 MW. IDCOL has facilitated the installation of 31% of the country’s total private sector electricity generation capacity by investing equivalent to USD 625 million both in USD and BDT loans.
IDCOL financed BDT 30 crore to Samuda Power Limited for capacity expansion of gas based captive power plant at Sikirgaon, Gazaria, Munshiganj.
IDCOL has approved financing of 31 power plant projects contributing 3,881 MW electricity to national power grid to support Government of Bangladesh’s ambitious vision of ensuring electricity for all citizens.
Samuda Power Limited (SPL), power generation company, a sister concern of TK Group of Industries, generate and distribute power to Samuda Chemical Complex Limited (SCCL), one of the largest caustic soda & hydrogen peroxide plant in Bangladesh.At present Samuda Power Limited is operating a natural gas fired 28.19 MW power plant at Gazaria, Munshiganj, near the river of the Meghna. This particular plant consists of three Reciprocating Engines of Wartsila, Finland, founded in 2009. Additionally, Samuda Power Limited offers comprehensive operation, maintenance, troubleshooting and spare parts supply to every concern of TK Group of Industries who have captive power plant facilities. Controlling the quality of its work, Samuda Power Limited has become the contractual service provider of many captive power plants under TK Group in Dhaka & Chittagong. It has panel manufacturing section also designs and fabricates LT Switch gear panel, PFI Panel, ATS Panel, Synchronizing panel, MCC panel and so on for different concerns of TK Group in different cities in Bangladesh. Samuda Power Limited has a bunch of self-motivated engineers and skilled technicians who have built a creative & concerted way to support its customers and the country at large.
54.363 MW HFO Power Plant, ZPCL
Land Area: 8.7 Acre ; Kolagaon, Patia, Chattogram
EPC Value: 101.8 Cr (BDT), PEB: 550 MT
Design, drawing, BOQ, BOM, Land Development, Construction of Civil (PEB & RCC), MEP, HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Detection, HSE, QA & QC, Water System, Drainage Network, Transmission Line, Bay Extension, As built Drawing, Tests and Commissioning.
Karnaphuli Power Limited is a 51% subsidiary of Baraka Patenga Power Limited (BPPL). The principal activity of the Company is to set up power plants for generation and supply of electricity. Karnaphuli Power Limited, itself submitted proposal to Power Division, Ministry of Power, Energy & Mineral Resources (MPEMR) to implement 110MW IPP power plant and obtain Letter of Intent (LOI) on August 08, 2017 and subsequently signed the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) on February 04, 2018 and has also signed the Implementation Agreement (IA) with the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) represented by the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources on the same day for implementing HFO fired IPP power plant having capacity of 110 MW on Build, Own, Operate (BOO) basis at Kolagaon, Patiya, Chattogram for a term of 15 years from the commercial operation date (COD).