IDCOL, as the Fund Manager for Off-Grid Market Development Fund (OGMDF) in Malawi, organized a virtual information dissemination session on the REOI for shortlisting off-grid solar companies on 28 November 2022. The meeting was attended by senior officials from the Ministry of Energy, Government of Malawi, the World Bank and representatives of off-grid solar companies. IDCOL delivered the keynote presentation and explained the purpose of the REOI, eligibility criteria and application processes to more than 50 participants.
Notably, IDCOL was earlier engaged by the Ministry of Energy, Malawi to operationalize the OGMDF. The Fund will address the challenges of scaling up the off-grid market in Malawi by catalyzing private-sector investment.
The session has generated interest among the regional market players to contribute to #energyaccess in Malawi. The deadline for EOI submission is 06 December 2022.
The full application package can be found below: